Tag Archives: Major Houghton

Maj. S.E. Houghton

My latest CDV of a circus sideshow midget. What was it with the circus and fake military ranks or titles? Major Houghton, Admiral Dot, Major Atom (although there’s a wee (pardon the pun) bit of irony in that one), Commodore Nutt, General Tom Thumb, Baron Littlefinger and Count Rosebud and just to name a few. Even when folks weren’t given fake titles, they often got dressed up in military-esque uniforms, like my photo of Landon Middlecoff, or some of the other giants I’ve seen.

Major S.E. Houghton
Major S.E. Houghton
Major Atom, by Chas. Eisenmann
Major Atom, by Chas. Eisenmann
Admiral Dot, published by E&HT Anthony
Admiral Dot, published by E&HT Anthony
Commodore Nutt and unknown little woman, Anonymous CDV (probably Brady)
Commodore Nutt and unknown little woman, Anonymous CDV (probably Brady)
Baron Littlefinger & Family
Baron Littlefinger & Family
Landon Middlecoff, the 'Kentucky Giant', by Eisenmann
Landon Middlecoff, the ‘Kentucky Giant’, by Eisenmann